An intuitive Healer and a Coach For Individuals, Couples & Families

Resolve emotional issues and improve your mental health and sense of well-being, all in a supportive and safe space.

Jas Grewal

Certified Personal Success Coach & Master Spirit,  Life Coach (ICF,USA), NLP Coach from ICTA

An Army kid, Jaswinder has a unique way of holding a safe and relaxed communication with her clients thus adding a unique value by helping to mirror their true self, bringing focus on the present and the client’s goals for the future. 

She empowers the clients to evaluate their current situation, getting clarity, see new ways of approaching change, digging deep for limiting beliefs and uncover tools to help them positively approach change. 

Her Intuitive powers help her to chose the appropriate healing therapy required to support and engage at all the levels.

Areas Of Expertise

Jaswinder has a rich experience of working with individuals who wish to move forward, take action, achieve goals, re-write their story and experience overall life mastery. She empowers her clients to evaluate their current situation, see new ways of approaching change, identify practical solutions, and uncover tools that help them positively approach change. She is a highly accomplished individual and her programmes and workshops engage all levels of the individual: body, mind, heart (emotion) and soul (spirit).

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