A Spiritual Technology


Release yourself from Energetic Binds that don’t serve you anymore!

What is Timeline therapy

Who are we? A collection of memories, aren’t we?

Our past experiences mould us into who we are today. Our timeline is the memory coding of the brain. The discovery of Timeline helped us to change certain significant memories in a short time. Our behaviour as on today is guided by the decisions whether good or bad that we made in the past. These decisions are stored on our timeline.

With the help of Timeline therapy there are several possibilities for change work like a memory could be removed and replaced by another pleasant one, we can delete a negative emotion , change events and heal certain events, feed resources and all this would help you create a better future.  Behavioural change in an individual takes place at an unconscious level.

Reach out to release to release painful emotions, change limiting beliefs at the core level and create the life you want for yourself.



A one on one Session

To understand your journey


Chakra Healing & Journaling 

To relax and prepare you for the Timeline


Meditation to connect to the divine

To look for the root cause and head


A coaching session to know the constrains that the client is facing and rapport building. Followed by a simple meditation to relax the nerves and prepare for the session.

As an advanced form of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), the technique works with the unconscious mind to release negative emotions such as anger, sadness, fear, anxiety, hurt, guilt and low self-esteem. Its a method to check the origin and the first decision that you made that led to the above mentioned emotion of belief.

Why do you might need Timeline Therapy

“We also do grounding exercises and balancing of root chakra”

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