Cord cutting

A Spiritual Technology


Release yourself from Energetic Binds that don’t serve you anymore!

What is Cord Cutting

Cord-cutting is a spiritual healing process that energetically severs that negative attachment between you and another person so that the hurt  of that past relationship does not hang over you or affect your actions in your now . When we let go,  we create space for more possibilities.

We can also choose to cut cords in our present relationships even those that are really great for us to take them to the next level as a way of continually cleansing the energy between us and creating space for new. If anything, that pure, positive connection is improved because it is no longer overshadowed by negative energies.



A one on one Session

To understand the negative patterns that are a feature of your relationship


Chakra Healing & Journaling 

To enhance your energy to reflect and have clarity & write all that you wish to convey


Meditation to connect to the divine

We connect to Archangel Michael and Ascended Masters for help


What are Cords & Why Cut Them

When our energy interacts with the energies of people, place and form ties. A cord is a negative energetic structure that ties you and another person together and effect our Chakras and create emotional, spiritual and even physical blocks.

Who do we form cords to?

The biggest cords are often formed with :  Lovers, spouses (exes and present), children, parents, siblings, close friends, sexual abusers, any sexual partners.

Smaller cords may be formed with: Clients, teachers, bosses, co-workers, friends, acquaintances.

What are the Signs of Unhealthy Cording?

“We also do grounding exercises and balancing of root chakra”

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